Hekate’s Journal


We’ve collected articles for you on women’s health, nutrition, fertility and pregnancy, so you don’t have to. From premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS, hypothalamic amenorrhea and more.

Listen, period poops are a real thing. But why?
Ella Mackenzie Ella Mackenzie

Listen, period poops are a real thing. But why?

Ever wondered why your reproductive and digestive systems team up each month, bringing a mix of symptoms? This article explores the link between menstrual cramps and often-overlooked digestive issues, such as altered bowel movements or ‘period-poops’. However, these symptoms are often not discussed openly and therefore come with a sense of confusion around their cause. Understanding your body’s anatomy and muscle functions, helps us develop strategies to ease and address the diverse challenges accompanying the menstrual cycle.

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Celebrating Menstrual Health: Empowering Journeys through Artistic Expression.
Isobella D'Aiello Isobella D'Aiello

Celebrating Menstrual Health: Empowering Journeys through Artistic Expression.

Get ready to embark on a captivating journey where art meets the celebration of menstrual well-being. We're here to highlight the power of artistic expression in exploring and embracing the wonders of menstrual health. So, gather your art supplies and let's dive into a world where creativity dances hand in hand with the beautiful experiences of menstruation!

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You deserve
better periods.

And we can help, today.