Hekate’s Journal


We’ve collected articles for you on women’s health, nutrition, fertility and pregnancy, so you don’t have to. From premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS, hypothalamic amenorrhea and more.

Low FODMAP Diet for IBS and Endo. What can go wrong?
Ella Mackenzie Ella Mackenzie

Low FODMAP Diet for IBS and Endo. What can go wrong?

The Low FODMAP diet can be used to effectively manage IBS and Endometriosis symptoms such as bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain. However, when following this diet, there are a few common mistakes that can reduce its effectiveness and potentially lead to nutritional insufficiencies. Learn how the Low FODMAP diet can help you and understand why some foods contribute to common digestive issues.

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The impact of REDs on periods and athletic performance.
Ella Mackenzie Ella Mackenzie

The impact of REDs on periods and athletic performance.

Discover the silent risk lurking in sports: REDs. Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport can affect any athlete, regardless of their gender or the sport they play.

Many physical and mental factors can put an individual at risk of REDs, with the condition having consequences involving the whole body. Dive into this article to understand how REDs can impact athletic performance, menstrual health, and bone density. Learn three strategies to combat REDs, and take charge of your health and performance.

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You deserve
better periods.

And we can help, today.